As women living in a man’s world, feeling confident is not just a luxury we must afford, it’s a necessity. Feeling confident in ourselves and our abilities is something that we constantly have to work at. However, when you finally get there, that’s when you find your power.
Here are 10 things that will boost your confidence :
1) Wear a Cute Outfit/Do Your Makeup
Getting ready for the day is one of the easiest things to do to help boost your confidence. It’ll help you get out of a slum and make you feel beautiful again especially if you don’t do it often. This is a subtle reminder of how worthy and perfect you are even if you don’t feel like it.

2) Say Your Affirmations
Repeating your affirmations will serve as reminders of your capabilities. Affirmations help you believe in yourself, in addition to improving your mood and therefore your confidence. Read more on how to start your journey with affirmations here.
3)Surround yourself with people who empower you
The people you surround yourself with are a reflection of you. Therefore, surrounding yourself with women who empower you is a direct way to feel more confident. When you become surrounded by that confident, positive energy, that is the energy you will start to embody, which can in turn help you to feel more confident.

4) Accept Your Flaws
In the age of social media, it’s so easy for us to compare ourselves to everyone on Instagram or other platforms. This makes us emphasize our flaws more than necessary, and is probably the worst thing we can do to ourselves. Accepting and acknowledging our flaws is the first step. Once we accept that about ourselves we would know to focus not just on our weaknesses but also our strengths.
5) Have a work/life balance
When you have a healthy work/life balance, it prevents burnout. By avoiding burnout, you have better mental health which leads to an increase in self-esteem. Therefore, by being successful in all areas of life you feel more confident in yourself and your abilities.

6) Appreciate How Far You’ve Come
Sometimes we get so caught up in the fast pace of our lives that we forget to stop and smell the roses. We try so hard to reach a certain point that we forget all the progress we’ve made. Stop and look at how far you’ve come and how you’ve grown. Revel in the woman you are becoming and be proud of yourself for at. Lastly, be proud of all you’ve overcome and accomplished along the way.
7) Set Your Goals
Confident women are women who know what they want and work towards getting it. Sit, reflect, think and about what you want, and start working towards that. In addition, believe in yourself and know that once you have faith in yourself, you can achieve it all.

8) Don’t Look For External Validation
Confidence is being so sure about yourself, you don’t need compliments from anyone. You are your biggest fan and you need to behave as such. Of course, you’ll get compliments but you don’t need them because you told them to yourself first. When you drop these expectations you feel more independent as well as confident.
9) Confident Posture
Your posture and appearance can change so much. Even if you don’t feel confident, presenting yourself as such is a game-changer. So when you enter a room, stand a little taller and keep your head up. Act as if you can command the attention of everyone from the time you step into that room. You know what you’re about so whatever anyone else may think should not matter.

10) Live For You
Know that it’s okay to be alone. Being able to be alone is a quality we all should have, and practicing detachment is important. Knowing that you don’t need anyone shows how confident you are in yourself to live your life to the fullest. Live for yourself and do things that will make you a better you.
You’re not going to wake up one day and just have confidence. You have to work at it and build it up but it’s possible, and gradually implementing these steps into your life will make sure you get there.
You are strong, capable and you got this, so now it’s time to show the world what you’re made of.