Are you struggling in college? Here are the best organization tips for college students to make you feel like you have your life together!
As a college student, you’re always busy and on the go, which can become overwhelming. Here are some of the best organization tips that help me keep my life together and increase my productivity.
You will learn everything from planners and using calendars to making digital notes and much more!
After trying these tips, I’m sure that you’re going to feel like you have your life together even if you don’t.
This post is all about organization tips for college students.
Essential Organization Tips
1) Use a Calender
Setting up a Calender will show you the big picture of how many things you may need to get done for a particular time frame. This is going to keep you organized and make sure you don’t miss any things.
You can use either digital calendars or normal paper ones. I personally use both because you can have the digital ones with you at all times and it gives you reminders closer to the dates.
As you get key dates during the semester you just add them to your calendar. A great calendar is Google Calendar because it’s free, of course, but there are lots of tools that will help you organize all your appointments.
2) Stick to a routine
Sticking to a routine can sound very tedious and can be hard to follow but it is guaranteed to help you stay organized. You must be realistic when planning your routines. If you study best at night then plan your routine around that so your study time is at night and you do chores and other things during the day.
Allocate breaks throughout the day for self-care and your hobbies. Maintaining a balanced lifestyle is a key part of increasing your productivity.
Ensuring a consistent routine will ensure you maximize your time and productivity but will also allow you to feel less overwhelmed.
3) Cleaning your space
Cleaning your space regularly is an essential part of staying organized. Ensuring that everything is in a particular place will save you so much time when you’re in a rush and have to search for things.
Having a clean space is also a great self-care tip because you feel more motivated to get work done. The space you work in can have a direct impact on your mood. Hence, ensure that your space makes you feel calm and like you actually want to be productive and get things done.
4) Planners
Having a planner where you can keep track of everything is very important. This way you can have everything you need in one place, from all your lists to your routines.
This is going to be helpful because you’d be able to have it on hand at all times to ensure you’re on schedule. You can have digital planners or normal planners and you can use this in tandem with your calendar to keep track of all the things you’ve to do. Here are a couple of ways you can organize your planner:
- Colour coding system
- Highest to lowest priority
- Internal deadlines
- Checklists
- Level of difficulty
5) Digital notes
Digital notes in 2022 are a game changer! Having digital notes means everything is going to be in one place, it’s also going to save you the space that all your notebooks may have taken up.
I recently switched to digital notes and it made studying so much easier. I could have all my notes on the screen while I study instead of flipping through multiple notebooks. You can also add or remove things, make it visual or just make create notes based on your preferred study style.
You can use something as simple as Google Docs or if you’d like to be more creative, a great free app is Notability.
This is a great organization tip because everything will be right where you need it!
6) Organize according to class
Organizing your lists or notes based on class is a great way to stay organized. This will help you have everything you need for each class in one place and will save you the time of looking through all your things to find something for a class.
This is guaranteed to help you stay organized throughout the semester and will keep you on top of each class. This also doubles as a great study tip!
You can use a color coding system for each class or you can use binders and folders. This could also be done digitally by creating folders for each class. You can further break this down into topics where you can have all your resources on hand.
7) Do Not Procrastinate
Procrastination has to be everyone’s worst nightmare because we all do it but it definitely does not help.
Try to start all your assignments as soon as you get them, this will save you the rush and much more time for other assignments. Ensuring your assignments don’t pile up is the best way to stay organized and will also help you get better grades.
8) Setting Daily goals
Setting daily goals or internal deadlines for yourself will help you stay on top of everything. This can also feel very rewarding and will keep you motivated for sure.
It’s also a fantastic way to maximize your time and productivity. Studying smarter is more efficient than studying harder and this includes spacing out how you study and how much work you do every day rather than working 24/7.
Use your planner to help you achieve this by planning out your day with your goals in mind.
9) Plan ahead
Planning ahead is an essential part of being organized.
This is going to help you have a clear idea of how your schedule is going to be and help you allocate time for different things.
A great time to start planning is at the beginning of every week when you plan and make your schedule accordingly. This will ensure that you stay organized and prepared for your upcoming week. You can also plan multiple weeks ahead or even create study routines which would be helpful especially around finals.