Want to have a healthier lifestyle? Then it’s time to start your health and fitness journey and this is how you should begin!
Most of us often think that health and fitness mean just eating salads and going to the gym 5 days a week. Thinking this myself, I was also turned off from trying because it all seemed very intimidating. I’m here to tell you though, that’s a myth. These are the exact steps you can follow to start your health and fitness journey.
You will learn all about the do’s and don’ts from mindset to healthy eating and so much more!
After reading this post, you will be ready to start this journey head-on.
This post is all about the complete guide to starting your health and fitness journey.
Steps to starting your health and fitness journey
Step 1: Mindset
This sounds like a very typical thing that people talk about, but in reality, it is the key to everything. You must have the mindset that this is something you’d like to do and choose that you are going to do it because it will benefit your life.
If you don’t think you can do it then who will?
Something you shouldn’t be doing is changing your mind. If you decide that this is a lifestyle choice you’d like to make then you should stick to it.
Mindset is also going to come in when you are working towards your results. You must have patience and stay motivated when trying to achieve your health and fitness goals.
Step 2: Choose a form of fitness that’s for you
The gym is not for everyone!
It’s very easy to see people on social media going to the gym and enjoying it which makes you automatically think so will you. The truth is that the gym is not for everyone and it’s not the only form of fitness either.
When I started my journey, I started with the gym and after 2 months, I hated it and realized it wasn’t for me. After a while, I started yoga and it was definitely for me!
Exploring your options based on what you think your body can take and what stage you’re in is very important. You can even do this through trial and error. Start something and if you don’t like it, try something else and see what you like best.
Trying a sport is also a great option but is again, dependent on you and your goals.
Step 3: Setting your goals
Setting your goals is very important and will help you stay focused. Choose if you’re goal is losing weight, gaining weight, building strength, etc.
Record your progress and ensure that you’re consistent.
When setting goals, it is very important that you are realistic. If you’re now starting out then you must set realistic goals until your body has fully adjusted to your lifestyle changes.
Based on your progress, then you can adjust your goals to suit.
Step 4: Starting off slow
After you’ve chosen a form of fitness you like, and you’ve set your goals, you should be easing your body into it. Trying to lift very heavy weights at the gym or attempting a handstand will not help you reach your goal any faster.
Start with things to build a strong foundation before attempting to push your body.
Easing your body into it is the safest way to accomplish your goals. You shouldn’t be too hard on yourself either, starting is a big step and you should be proud of yourself for progress no matter how big or small.
Step 5: Diet Changes
Being healthy does not mean only eating salads! People become reluctant about being healthy because they think they have to stop eating their favorite foods. However, this is dependent on your goals.
But a great way to start is gradually implementing your fruits and veggies (or whatever foods you must eat to reach your health goals) into your favorite foods.
You can also try being creative with your foods and tying new recipes or even looking for healthy substitutes. Eating healthy does not have to be boring unless you make it boring.
Step 6: Consistency
Consistency is key, is a cliche that has the most truth to it.
You will not see results if you are not consistent with your mindset, fitness, and dietary changes. Work with your body not against your body!
Consistency is something I struggled with for a long time because when life starts to get busy, it’s very easy to say that you have no time and make excuses. However, it’s when you find the time anyway and do it even when you feel like you don’t want to is when you see the most results.
There’s never going to be a ‘right time’. Life will always get in the way so be consistent regardless and you’ll see results.
Step 7: Celebrate your wins
Celebrating your wins no matter how small is very important. Feeling proud of yourself is how you stay motivated to keep going and being on this journey is definitely something that you should be proud of!
Reward yourself for all your hard work and give yourself the credit you deserve. Taking a rest day is okay and having cheat meals is okay. If this is your version of rewarding yourself then do it! What makes a rest day and cheat meal different is that they are not consistent habits that will significantly affect your progress.
Step 8: Practise Mindfulness
Being mindful about what you do and how you feel is important in every part of life.
Listening to your body is the best thing you can do for yourself. If you feel like you need a rest day then take one. The hard part is ensuring it does not become a habit.
Practicing mindfulness is understanding what will benefit you and what will not. Choose this lifestyle because it is what will help you live your best life because you feel like your best self.
This post is all about how to start your health and fitness journey.